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My very own Todd Solenz film

I find myself facing a bit of a quandry.

It seems that someone out there has nominated my diary for a Diarist Award. This would be the second time. The last time, I was excited. And then I didn't make it into the final three. Which I was okay with. Until I checked out who I lost out to. Two Templates and enough flare to sink even a Friday's. The theme resturaunt won. Against the two templates.

So, I thought I wasn't bitter about this. But I still am it seems.

Now for the quandry. I was going to redo the site. Redesign it even. Mix it up. Throw caution and my meager html skills to the wind and be brave and free. The amusing thing is this very thing occured the last time. And I waited. And then nothing happened. And so I changed. I guess I'll just stick with that course of action. Waiting and Seeing has gotten me SO much out of life thus far.

I'm visiting home this weekend. It's hot and muggy and I hate the quirks of the local populace. Of whome I don't count myself a part of. I've been drinking far too much. And hanging out with cousins that I am not fond of far too much. I go along because by not going, I have to put up with more crap than going along with it all. The whole We all love each other front is too much at times. And it's very sad to see what a finite amount of money does to people.

I aplogize. All this is just me typing out of my ass. And it's not very comfortable.

Look at us, we're beautiful (0)


Email Entry, Just for Laughs - 2006-01-25
Stupid Names - 2006-01-03
Something quick - 2005-11-18
Updates from Utah - 2005-09-01
Cha-Cha-Changes - 2005-07-07

Email Notes Guestbook
